As a first-generation student coming from a working-class background, I had no idea what the professional world was like. Through schemes such as AS First, I was able to gain valuable workplace skills. The Mentoring Scheme with A&L Goodbody helped me build commercial awareness, but most importantly helped me understand what is expected of a Trainee in a large commercial firm. It was really valuable to have one-to-one mentoring sessions as these included mock interviews where I was able to get targeted feedback which helped me secure my training context with the firm.

The AS Access Programme was very helpful for meeting firms such as Allen and Overy (now A&O Shearman) to discuss effective communication, but it was also a good chance to meet people from similar backgrounds as myself. This was a great networking opportunity and enabled me to make contacts for my future career.

I would recommend Aspiring Solicitors’ schemes to anyone considering a career as a solicitor. They are a great team and very helpful!