My diversity networks


After finishing my degree at Durham University a friend suggested that I would enjoy the recruitment industry. After some research I decided that they were correct. I spent a year in agency recruitment before being offered a role at Morgan Stanley in their graduate recruitment team.

At Morgan Stanley I supported the Company and Operations functions in their intern, industrial placement and analyst hiring. After nearly three years there I decided that I would like to explore the legal world and wanted a new challenge.

I was lucky that I was approached on LinkedIn about the Graduate Recruitment Adviser role at Macfarlanes very soon after deciding that I wanted a new role. After a year here at Macfarlanes I was made the Graduate Recruitment Manager. As a team we plan and run the attraction events, all the selection activities and run the training contract and vacation schemes to name but a few of our responsibilities!

One of our key focuses is diversity and hiring a diverse workforce. We have a large number of diversity initiatives in place and are constantly trying to attract candidates from all walks of life and backgrounds. I am more than happy to speak to and offer support to those looking to enter the world of law.

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