My diversity networks

BPP university alumni


I graduated from University College London in 2017 and started my training contract at Macfarlanes in September 2019.

I began attending law firm open days and Aspiring Solicitor events in my second year, which I would recommend any aspiring solicitor to do early on. It gave me insight into a huge range of law firms and I met many people in the same position as me. In the process, I built up my knowledge of the legal landscape and what sorts of things other applicants were doing to enhance their applications. I then started applying for vacation schemes in my final year, attending several interviews and assessment days throughout the year all to varying degrees of success.

Most influential in my attaining a TC was competing in the AS Commercial Awareness Competition 2016/17 and gaining a few weeks of work experience from being in the winning team. Preparing for and progressing through each round of the competition taught me a great deal about teamwork and how to maintain sound commercial awareness. I was later able to use that commercial knowledge in application processes as well in my interaction with lawyers during vacation schemes and other networking opportunities.

I think the greatest takeaway from my experience is that having confidence in one’s own abilities is the first step towards achieving your legal ambitions. I became more confident and comfortable with the application process through my many interactions with AS and just spending time in law firms.

I would be happy to share more about my experiences, answer any questions or just provide some support if you need any. So feel free to contact me!

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