
No one in my family is a lawyer and it wasn’t a career I considered growing up.  I attended the local state school and worked hard but didn’t really know what I wanted to do other than to work in the music industry.

After A-levels, this led to me working as a sound engineer and then for independent record labels, having decided not to incur the time and expense of university unless it was for a clear purpose.  After a couple of years, I decided to do a law degree at the University of Southampton with the intention of becoming a music lawyer.

After some vacation schemes and open days during the second year of my degree, I secured a training contract at Dentons (then Denton Wilde Sapte).  That included seats in litigation, a banking secondment, corporate and IP/media, following which I qualified into the firm’s corporate team.  After a few years, I moved to music and entertainment firm, Bray & Krais, to focus more on that sector.  I joined Temple Bright as a partner in 2016, which gave me the opportunity to work with more tech start-ups.  I subsequently joined Simkins as a partner in 2019, where I continue to practise corporate and commercial law, with a particular emphasis on the music, media and entertainment, technology and creative sectors.

A career in law should be open to anyone, based on hard work and merit and regardless of background, so I’m happy to support the work that Aspiring Solicitors is doing to increase diversity in the legal profession.  I would be pleased to offer guidance or answer any questions that members may have.

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