“Through AS First, I attended a number of open days in my first year of university which developed my understanding of a career in commercial law. Following this, I took part in AS Aspire where I received coaching calls that improved how I wrote applications and prepared for interviews. I was also selected for AstraZeneca and Covington’s commercial mentoring scheme. Besides gaining an insight into the life sciences industry, this taught me about the similarities and differences between private practice and in-house lawyers, as well as how they interact.
In 2021, I took part in the AS Commercial Awareness Competition where I was a Top 30 performer. Hearing different perspectives from other participants during the Quarter-Finals and Semi-Finals enhanced how I approach commercial issues which was useful during my vacation scheme assessment centres. The mock interviews I scheduled also helped identify areas to improve on in advance of these assessment centres. All of these, including the Barclays Legal Experience Week, were invaluable to my success.”