I have been fortunate enough to experience several of AS’ opportunities and can only encourage all of you to take advantage of them!

I was part of AS First, AS ASPIRE, ASAP, BCLP Academy and the NRF/bp Mentoring Scheme. My highlight was the NRF/bp mentoring scheme, where I was mentored by a partner at NRF and an in-house lawyer at bp. To get given positive feedback about both my ability and attitude from senior lawyers was a major confidence boost, which I was able to take into interviews and assessment centres.

The AS/A&O Shearman Women in Law Event allowed me to hear from female trainees, associates and partners. We also heard from lawyers from a diverse range of backgrounds. Hearing how they overcame several challenges was inspiring. The event also highlighted to me that the legal profession was becoming more accessible, and that there was a space for me there.

This was my last ever AS programme. It highlighted how far I had come since AS First. When I had applied, I did not even expect to get past the first round. I ultimately reached the semi-final at Skadden. To be surrounded by other incredible AS members already felt like an achievement. I had learnt how to present myself in a confident manner, demonstrate my commercial awareness and how to thrive under pressure.