What is the BCLP Academy?

BCLP has partnered with Aspiring Solicitors to deliver an exceptionally unique programme for First Year diverse members. The programme will assist you with key employability skills, BCLP application advice, BCLP diversity insights and 1-2-1 coaching and will provide significant support to those serious about applying to BCLP.
The programme will be led by Aspiring Solicitors’ expert coaches who are former lawyers, Graduate Recruitment Managers and experienced qualified coaches.

Sign up deadline

Applications for this opportunity are now closed.

To apply, you must:

  • Be an Aspiring Solicitors member;
  • Be either (i) in your first year of a three year undergraduate Law degree (ii) second year of a four year undergraduate Law degree, or (iii) penultimate year of a non-law degree;
  • Want to pursue a legal career at a commercial law firm; and
  • Not have accepted a training contract with any law firm or legal team.