Law Fair Details

Wednesday 19th Feb 2025
Virtual conference

Event details

Aspiring Solicitors is delighted to be running our Virtual Diversity Law Fairs (VDLFs) for our members in 2025. Our Spring VDLF is targeted at first year law undergraduates or penultimate year non-law undergraduate students.

The VDLF is on 19 February 2025 from 9:15am-1.15pm (with a 30min break) and will feature several of our partner law firms.

Our VDLFs give diverse candidates from around the UK the opportunity to speak to leading law firms who are committed to increasing diversity in the legal profession. Each participating firm will be represented by lawyers, graduate recruitment representatives and trainees.

Please ensure that you sign up by 5pm on 31 January 2025 at the latest. This is the only first year/penultimate year VDLF in 2025. Our previous VDLFs have been a resounding success with all attending students stating how beneficial they have been. If you sign up now, you will be:

  • Invited to a coaching session in advance of the VDLF
  • Able to select the type of firms you want to speak to in advance
  • Placed in small groups to have meaningful conversations with firms
  • Able to apply for unique mentoring schemes and legal work placement opportunities in 2025

Feedback from our members

“I thoroughly enjoyed the VDLF. By having the opportunity to speak in small group sessions with both our preferred firms and firms we may not have much understanding about, I was able to openly talk with graduate recruitment about a range of queries from application tips to more general questions about the firm and its culture. I now feel more confident entering the current application season regarding both which firms I would like to apply and how to make a successful application.”

“The VDLF was amazing in allowing me to gain time with a law firm at a more personal level due to the small group numbers. This enabled me to get my questions out whilst also listening to trainees and graduate recruitment closer than at other law fairs.”

“I gained an unrivalled insight into a group of law firms that were tailored to my preferences by Aspiring Solicitors which not only gave me an opportunity to speak to trainees on their experiences and development but, also learn about the culture and inclusiveness within these select firms. I feel far more confident applying to this group of firms now.”