My diversity networks


As the first member of my family to study law and then as the first member of my family to become a lawyer, my background and values have shaped my legal career.  As a first language Welsh speaker who was educated through the medium of Welsh at a local comprehensive school, I am aware of and appreciate the challenges faced by those who may not ‘fit the mould’.

I am well aware of the importance of diversity and of making the most of your opportunities in the law.  I have enjoyed a twenty-year career (so far!) in the legal profession, which has seen me work in London, Hong Kong and Thailand (for a Magic Circle law firm); in Switzerland (for UEFA); and in sport (first with The FA and, since 2010, the Welsh Rugby Union).  None of that came easy and I have been extremely fortunate – but you also need to make your own luck, work hard, challenge yourself and maintain your values.

I have been very fortunate to have been able to combine my career with my passion for sport.  I commenced my career with no plan to work in sport – being able to work in sport requires a strong grounding in the law and being able to demonstrate that you are a good lawyer who can provide practical and commercial advice.  It is simply not possible to become a ‘sports lawyer’ overnight or to enter the profession with the sole intention of working in sport.

I am pleased to be working with Aspiring Solicitors and to be playing a (very) small part in supporting the need to increase diversity in the legal profession.  I am particularly enthused about supporting aspiring lawyers from Wales who wish to practice outside of Wales and who have a ‘non-traditional’ educational background and no family connections to the law.

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