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My Law Firm

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I am a second year Law student at the University of Bristol. I have recently secured a training contract at A&O Shearman upon applying for a vacation scheme. As a Christian, State school educated, black individual with no legal connections, I know how it feels to have ‘imposter syndrome’ or feel undeserving of a position, simply because it is uncommon. I had the passion to become a lawyer but believed I was unlikely to get there. Often my teachers, friends, family had more confidence in me than I did in myself, and I always thought I did not have the tools and skills to enter this profession.
Aspiring Solicitors has been a great help in rebuilding my confidence and equipping me with the tools to gain a training contract. Also, in creating a platform for people from underrepresented backgrounds allowing me to meet people like me and watch them enter and succeed in the legal profession, this gave me an immense sense of hope for myself.
Diversity has never been more important than it is now. It is an asset to the professional world. For those of us from underrepresented groups, we should always believe there is something valuable we can bring to the table and we are not just a quota to fill. I look forward to the time where underrepresented groups no longer feel ‘out of place’ or that the legal environment is not for them.
Please feel free to contact me regarding any questions or advice you may want. I am always more than happy to help.
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